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We love spending time reading about the very best products for education, good health, good reads, abundance in everything, and just life in general.

And now we're sharing what we've found with YOU! So have a look around and enjoy!

Beth & Team


Here's What We're Talking About!

blog post image with money

Law of Attraction – 5 Reasons Why Money is So Hard to Attract

By The Brainy Bulb

Ever wonder why money is so very hard to attract? Lots of people who discover the laws of attraction want to know the answer to that very question. We […]

Stretch Your Muscles

By The Brainy Bulb

Have you ever watched a cat get up from their spot and stretch? They do it every single time they change positions. Believe it or not, if you copy […]

The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling

By The Brainy Bulb

The decision to homeschool is a big one, and there is a lot of thought that parents put into the process. Homeschooling can be a great option, and one […]

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